There are a number of factors to consider when deciding the best month to visit Bora Bora. The first is the time of year in relation to the weather in Bora Bora, second would be the seasonal price differences and third would be the holiday times and how it affects a vacation in Bora Bora.
As Bora Bora is in the southern hemisphere, its seasons are the opposite to Europe and North America. Summer time in Bora Bora is over December, January and February and Winter time in Bora Bora is over June, July and August. Because Bora Bora is a tropical island, the temperature is warm all year around, but it is hotter over summer.
If you are coming from a cool climate, or are someone who does not like heat or humidity, you will want to avoid the summer months and go closer to winter time.
The trade winds blow over winter time which keeps temperatures cooler. This is also the best time to visit Bora Bora if you are into wind sports like sailing, kite-surfing and wind-surfing.
If you are wanting to save lots of money on your Bora Bora vacation, don't go over the summer high season! Instead opt for low season months. The best month to visit Bora Bora in low season would be either November, April or May. These months have the best weather of all the low season months. On a week vacation to Bora Bora, you can easily save between $2000 and $3000 on your trip by going out of peak season.
Not only will you pay more money over peak season, but you will be sharing the island with lots of people! Not that Bora Bora is ever THAT busy (Tahiti welcomes in one year the amount of people Hawaii receives in a week!). BUT over the summer peak months of June, July, August and the December Christmas to New year period, the resorts will be booked out. There will also be more children and families on vacation over the summer months as France and the USA have school breaks.So if you want to avoid the crowds and the kids, the best month to visit Bora Bora is outside of the summer high season.
However, if you are in Bora Bora over July you will get to experience the biggest festival of the year, the Heiva! Tahitian dancing, singing, crafts and competitions including the Miss Tahiti competition are held over this time. Traditional canoe races, coconut tree climbing and so much more gives you a taste for Polynesian culture. It is a bigger party than new year and Christmas, so it is well worth the trip if you would enjoy to experience French Polynesian culture.
Here's more detail of all factors to consider when is the best time for you to go to Bora Bora.
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