
What your travel agent may NOT tell you
about Bora Bora

Let us show you What Your Travel Agent May Not Tell You About Bora Bora; to help make your dream vacation an enchanting reality, while ensuring you get great value for dollars spent. As this is such a mysterious and unique destination, even finding out all the choices can be daunting!

We’ve listened to what thousands of visitors are eager to know and packed the most valuable gems and solutions into over 100 pages of brilliant advice on common concerns folk 'wrestle' with. From the early decision making stages, all the way through to while you're relaxing on a sun-lounge, we show you how to make the best choices and save money.

Confusing becomes exciting with insights on:

  • To 'travel agent' or not to 'travel agent'
  • What to book, when to book, where to book
  • 'All-inclusive' answers
  • Wedding and honeymoon savings (and bonuses!)
  • Extras to be sorted before you go
  • All-things money
  • Packing clues (Bora Bora is unlike any other destination)
  • How to save on flights (and even get flights for free)
  • Eating and drinking tips from seasoned travelers
  • 'Must do' activity and excursion options
  • 'Must knows' to avoid being caught out
  • Getting around islands smoothly
  • Free things in Bora Bora (there's some fun ones)

Over 80 ways to save on your Bora Bora vacation!

By applying these tips while planning and booking, it's possible for your savings to be hundreds or thousands of dollars. Adding up what we've saved, by using these strategies on an average week's vacation in Bora Bora, has been over $5000! The more you use, the more money you can save; while still enjoying the pleasures of paradise.

Whether you want to make an extraordinary Bora Bora vacation do-able, do it for less money, or discover how to do it sooner (because you have to save up less dollars), these insights will help you live your fantasy.

Discover the secrets to saving in Bora Bora, now

You can download What Your Travel Agent May Not Tell You About Bora Bora in one succinct e-book for less than the price of a cocktail. (That's if you naively paid full bar price.) This entertaining guide is available in paper-back and as an eBook. We guarantee you’ll save the few dollars spent, many times over, before you even leave on your Bora Bora travel!

It's hard to make decisions when creating a vacation as special as this one, especially when it's your first visit. Don't make the mistake of organizing, or going on your vacation, before reading What Your Travel Agent May Not Tell You About Bora Bora. Learn from experienced travelers. Be vacation savvy!

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